Friday, January 16, 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Profile in Navy

Line of The Day

D: (in the bath tub): Where does the water go?
J: Down the drain and out to the ocean. But, you're too big to fit down the drain.  
D: But water can fit because it's little?
J: Yes!
D: Then the Sharks can eat all the bubbles?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Line of The Day

Devin: You have to love yourself or you will be frustrated. If you love yourself then you will be happy. 

J: Wow, yes, that's true. Who said that?

Devin: Trains. 

Line of The Day

Radio (Frosty the Snowman Song): ...with a corn-cob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal...

Devin: He said butt. 

Happy New Year

We celebrated with dinner at a new restaurant owned by Devin's schoolmate (Ella's) father followed by sparklers in the driveway. It was so cold. We watched a movie then had chocolate-chip pancakes and bacon for breakfast.