Saturday, June 30, 2012


We have been staying with Nana for the last 3 nights so she can care for Devin while we attend the Pacific Veterinary Conference in San Francisco. It also happened to be her birthday. Devin got so excited after the singing of "Happy Birthday" that he squealed and clapped his hands. So sweet.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hiking at Giacomini Wetlands, Tomales Bay

After lunch we went for a hike in Tomales Bay. It was a beautiful day and Devin liked watching the cows on the hill.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Just Enjoying the Dinner Music

YouTube Video


Devin carries this little stuffed tree around everywhere. This morning he brought it to the coffee shop, napped with it, then had lunch with it. Tree hugger, I guess.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy (Belated) Father's Day

We spent the weekend at the Russian River (where there was no Internet service and hence no blog posts). We had a great time! Devin loved playing on the river's edge and running around the huge deck, grassy yard, and rental house.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Winnie The Pooh

Here is Devin bringing Winnie the Pooh down the hallway to take his bath. I was able to convince Devin that Pooh does not enjoy baths as much as he does and so Pooh avoided the bathtub tonight.

Rosy Cheeks

His cheeks were rosy after our run tonight. A friend of mine told me they never knew that rosy cheeks were real until he saw Devin's.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Devin and I were sitting I the living room while a few friends wandered by outside the window. He scared them into the little forest with his squealing.