Monday, August 29, 2011

Dolphins, Santa, and Devin

Benjamin (2 years old) told his Mom yesterday that he likes dolphins, Santa, and Devin. Me, too.

Stream Trail

We took Devin on the Stream Trail last night. At one point Tyson hitched a ride!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hamming it Up!

Here is Devin hamming it up for Grandma:

YouTube Video

Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa visited and watched little D while Pete and I celebrated our anniversary with a day in the wine country.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Brilliant, This One!

Earlier in the day, I used a little gum massager (that had come in a set with a baby toothbrush) on Devin's emerging teeth. He loved it and kept opening his mouth for me to do it again and again. Later in the day he was playing with his toys in his room. I left him playing for a minute and returned to find that not only had he sit up all on his own, but he had also found the gum massager and was sitting there using it. I guess I'd better hide the car keys.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Lunch with Auntie Mel & Natalie

We met Mel and Natalie for lunch today then headed to the park for some lounging on the grass. Devin tried to eat the grass and practiced his crawling. He's almost mastered it, but mostly uses his arms to pull himself forward. He's quick, though!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Teething Biscuit

Devin is enjoying teething biscuits. More than half ends up on him, or on the floor, but he likes feeding himself - especially since today I could feel that his two middle lower teeth are emerging!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Devin has been doing a funny little wriggly dance when he's excited. Here is a quick snippet of an example.

YouTube Video


We rented bicycles and a baby trailer again and took a ride around the beautiful wine country in Calistoga.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Drinking From a Cup

Devin drank water from a cup tonight on his first try. He's quite clever.

Stream Trail

We hiked the stream trail this evening. It was lovely.

Friday, August 12, 2011

8 Months

Devin is 8 months old today. He is happy, funny, and so smart- he is wonderful. He has grown so much. Here he is in an outfit Aunt Leenie got for him before he was born. After he was born he was so small that he couldn't wear it for several months. Today he has nearly outgrown it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Violence Against Giraffes

We've told him that violence against giraffes is generally frowned upon.

YouTube Video

Pizza Parlor

Devin had his first trip to a pizza parlor. He was really coveting our pizza but we told him he was underage. He was, however, old enough to sit properly in the highchair and squeal to join in on the conversation.

YouTube Video


Devin likes oatmeal quite a bit. He also likes to eat it off his bib.

YouTube Video