Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Devin donned his bear suit, handed out candy to trick-or-treaters, then went to bed. No candy this year, but maybe next year.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dia de Los Muertos

We went to the Dia de Los Muertos Festival and loved everything about it. The Aztec dancers were incredible, the crafts were awesome, and the food was delicious. I think we will have to go every year!

Devin got a bit too warm in his festive attire. This was just before I took off his outfit.

YouTube Video

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Annual Pumpkin Carving Party

We had so much fun at our annual pumpkin carving party. There were a few pumpkin mishaps but lots of chili, cornbread, and pumpkin mousse trifle. Devin didn't want to go to sleep with all the excitement and the dogs were a little too enthusiastic in helping me clean up.

(Bad photos as there is no flash and dim light)

The aftermath:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cracking Up

Here is Devin cracking up while I made faces at him. Even funnier was watching him watch the video of himself and crack up even more!

YouTube Video

Monday, October 17, 2011

Big Bath

Here is an idea of how much Devin loves water.

YouTube Video

Easy Hike

I am recovering from a cold so we took Devin on an easy hike in the redwoods.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Spitting Out Food

This is what Devin does when he doesn't like the food. (video from our trip)

YouTube Video

Trip Home

Devin had a couple minor fussy incidents on the flight home. Mainly because it was an afternoon flight and he was tired. Overall, he did very well again and three separate people around us asked if they could hold him.


Later we spent some time at the pool and hot tub at the resort and watched the sunset.

Baby Beach at the South Shore

After dropping off Auntie Leenie and Auntie Gabby for their helicopter ride, we took Devin to Baby Beach on the South shore if the island. It is a large, shallow pool protected from large waves by a wall of lava rock.

Devin absolutely loved it. He was squealing, kicking, and splashing with his arms non-stop. Other patents were pointing to him when their babies were scared saying "it's okay, look how much fun that baby is having!"

The one video I have will not upload because it wasn't taken on my phone (I tried three times and it crashed the application). Here are a few photos:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dinner at the Hanalei Dolphin

The Hanalei Dolphin was the nicest restaurant that we visited. It had beautiful views of the mountains and outdoor seating overlooking the Hanalei River. Devin was asleep in his car seat when we arrived. He woke up shortly afterwards. While we were waiting for our food, we saw a seal in the river.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Peacock Attack

After the river trip we took a quick break on the grass and within minutes we were surrounded by 10 peacocks.

Wailua River Trip

We paddled a canoe down the river then hiked to some lovely pools and a waterfall. Devin was enraptured by the waterfall (maybe it reminds him of his baths that he loves so much?).

YouTube Video