Sunday, July 29, 2012

Art with Aunt Leenie

Aunt Leenie got Devin an art set. It was fun to see what he created!

Visit from Aunt Leenie

Aunt Leenie and Julia came to visit. They have been entertaining Devin with bubbles and treats.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Johnson's Beach

We drove to Johnson's Beach for the day. Devin fell asleep on the beach and then woke up to some vanilla ice cream. It was a perfect day.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Great-Grandma Charlotte and Great-Aunt Yvonne

Yvonne brought Charlotte over for a visit to see Devin. Charlotte said it was the highlight of her day. She threw the ball with Devin and sang him songs.

YouTube Video

Sunday, July 22, 2012


We had a BBQ on Saturday. Devin had so much fun playing with all the other children. He may have been the youngest one but that did deter him at all.

YouTube Video

No Bubble Left Uneaten

YouTube Video

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Afternoon BBQ

Today we went to an afternoon BBQ. Devin made lots of friends and raced around all day. Then he passed out in the car on the way home.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Evening Hike With Goats

The goats were out to graze the hillsides along the trails (to reduce fire danger). Devin didn't quite know what to make of them or the Anatolian Shepard that was guarding them.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Devin's Schuplattlern

He spontaneously started dancing. I could not stop laughing. I guess he knew that his outfit was extra special and required a dance of some sort.

YouTube Video

Lederhosen in Action

YouTube Video


Auntie Loralie and Uncle Peter just returned from a region of the Italian Alps and brought Devin the most adorable little outfit. The shirt is a little big for him yet so I substituted a t-shirt for now, but the shorts fit well (and should fit him for quite awhile). I can't take it, it's so cute. Now we will teach him to yodel and do that crazy slapping dance.