Monday, January 28, 2013

Running To and Fro

On our hike this weekend, Devin found it quite fun to run across the trail to and fro. Until he fell. He cried for a second and then started right back up.

YouTube Video

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Great Morning

Despite walking up at 4:50am, Devin had a great morning. After stopping at the coffee shop for a milk, and flirting with his favorite barista, he saw a fire truck across the street. We walked over to look at it up close and the fire fighters were nice enough to let Devin sit in the driver's seat! Then, we went to the park to walk in the rain puddles and admire the clouds. While we drove away from the park, Devin said "bye bye, water." After that we had lunch and Devin had two little girls sitting at the next table that he could not stop making eyes at.


YouTube Video

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Nana Visit

Nana came to visit. We had a nice afternoon together. Devin exhibited his best dance moves and named all the types of trucks in his truck book for her.

Spilling Milk

YouTube Video

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Pineapple Treat

Devin enjoyed a pineapple treat that Auntie Yu-Tin brought him all the way from Taiwan!

All done!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Conversations with Devin

Me: "Oh, look, a bus."
Devin: "butt."
Me: "A bus, not a butt."
Devin: "butt."
Me: "Bus!"
Devin: "Butt!" "Hee hee."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

All Done!

Devin had an appointment today to check his ear tubes. One was clear and the other was clogged. His doctor had to suction out the clogged one. Needless to say, Devin did not enjoy the process. I could hear him crying from down the hall. Afterwards his doctor told me that multiple times during the procedure Devin stopped crying and said "All Done!" He was done but the procedure wasn't. It went well and now both tubes are clear again.