Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Skeletons Like Pancakes for Breakfast

Punk Rock

Devin painted his hair purple today at school, then refused to wear a shirt today. I should have given him some temporary tattoos!

Two Peas in a Pod

We had a Friendsgiving potluck celebration last Saturday. Auntie Loralie and Uncle Peter came over to help prepare the turkey. Devin and Uncle Peter had the best day together- they clambered around on a dump truck, made sticker books, threw beads around, and danced to Johnny Cash. Two Peas in a pod. Cut from the same cloth.

Impromptu Park Date

I texted a friend from Devin's class to meet at the park and next thing you know, he had 5 friends from school there to play with on a Saturday morning. They had so much fun. Hours later I could barely get him to leave.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site

Devin informed me that he would read the book to me tonight. Here was his version. What's funny is that after this he recited three lines VERBATIM from the book as he walked to his bed, quite non-chalantly.

YouTube Video

I got Devin a little Christmas Tree for his room. He was enamored.

Monday, November 18, 2013

School Mornings

Here he is carrying his nap mat into school in the morning. It is chilly and he refuses all jackets and insists on shorts. It's a battle. I brought a long-sleeved shirt for the teachers to put on later. The classroom is warm inside. The teachers often put his coat on backward so he can't take it off when they go outside to play(!). At least he's not wearing the shorts he insisted on wearing and sleeping in for the past two days!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Choo Choo Train

We went to the zoo just to ride the choo choo. We also saw an emu.

Autumn Days

The days are still beautiful.

Too cool for School

Especially the sticker on the sunglasses.

Autumn Walk

We went on a walk to Phoenix Lake. We didn't make it all the way to the lake, just to the little streams that feed into it, but the day could not have been more beautiful. A perfect fall day.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Part IV

Real trick-or-treating on Halloween! By this point, he knew exact what to do. He refused to wear his dinosaur costume but was happy to wear the skeleton. And, he was a skeleton on a mission. He ate several pieces of candy while trick-or treating and became a little crazed. He was quite the hit, though! He was talking to everyone, commenting on the Halloween decorations, and thanking everyone for the candy. At the end of every visit, he would say "Thank you" and then "Bye, Trick-or-Treat" and everyone would laugh! (Audio at the end, no visual to go with the audio, it was too dark).

YouTube Video