Sunday, December 29, 2013

Evening Walk With Kitty


We met Cousins Michael and Helena along with Nana and Uncle Dave at the Exploratorium today. For some reason, Devin was more interested in chasing pigeons out in the courtyard than he was in the exhibits today. After lunch we walked to a nearby grassy area for more running around. Devin received some beautiful books from Nana and his cousins. He was so happy and insisted on several kisses and high fives when it was time to go.


We went to dinner at Auntie Loralie's and Uncle Peter's house. They cooked the most delicious Bouillabaisse a la Julia Child. Afterwards we devoured apple and chocolate cakes with whipped cream and opened some (smuggled) KinderEggs from Germany to find funny little toys inside. When we were finished, Devin wanted to stay- he pitched a spot with a pillow and blanket, all set to move in!

Friday, December 27, 2013


Well, it finally happened - Devin fell and hit his head and needed stitches this morning. After a quick trip to the ER and 3 stitches over his right eyebrow (during which he shouted "No Thank You!" repeatedly as the doctor sutured him up) he was as good as new and acted like nothing had ever happened. Brave boy.



Thursday, December 26, 2013

Post-Christmas Chillaxin'

Christmas Morning

We woke up very early since Auntie Kathleen and Auntie Carrie had to fly back later that morning. Devin decided he would open every present (even those that were not his)!


Auntie Kathleen and Auntie Carrie flew in early. We had a nice day eating Mexican food and playing.

Grandma and Grandpa arrived later that day. There were bubbles, birthday presents, and cookies.

We had a Christmas Eve dinner.